The first Saudi Arabian embassy opens in the Maldives at Hotel Jen
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The first Saudi Arabian Embassy for the Maldives has opened in Male’. The embassy opened last Sunday and is located at Hotel Jen.
According to the Director of Media Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Osama bin Ahmad Nuqali said that the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia established the embassy in the Maldives in hopes of improving the diplomatic relations between the two countries. The government of Saudi Arabia also hopes that this step will contribute to strengthening the developing bilateral relations and support the joint interests of the two countries.
During the recent visit of a top Saudi delegation to the Maldives, President Abdulla Yameen had said that the Maldives was open for joint venture investments with Saudi Arabia. The Maldivian foreign minister had also stated that establishing an embassy in the Maldives would provide to be a massive ease for Maldivians who wished to attend the Hajj pilgrimage.
The decision to establish an embassy in the Maldives came after President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom called on an official visit to Saudi Arabia, where he met with King Salman bin Abdul Aziz and the country’s Finance Minister.