Coco Collection launches quarterly magazine: Breeze by Coco Collection
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The brand’s official magazine was “created for the discerning traveller looking for a bit of soul and story to connect their minds to Maldives,” explains the Coco Collection press release. The first issue of Breeze pays homage to the rich ocean that is the livelihood of Maldivians and explores the notion of Maldivians being ‘Children of the Sea’.
Guests, partners and associates of Coco Collection share a common love for romantic memorable moments, authentic experiences rooted in local culture, unique marine life encounters, ecologically sustainable holidays and subtle touches of luxury that reflect their individuality, and Breeze is a guide to explore them all.
“The first issue of Breeze will allow readers to bond with the rich culture of Maldives while providing a glimpse into the resort experiences and some faces that guests will encounter while on the islands. With Children of the Sea being the main feature of the issue, flipping through these pages will take your imagination back to the days when our ancestors built their entire livelihood around the ocean, and today, it is the pillar of our entire economy,” comments Shafa Shabeer, director of marketing at Coco Collection.
Published for Coco Collection by Perspective, a company specialising in hospitality, leisure and travel related content; Breeze also creates an outlet for discovery and adventure. “From history pages taking you back to the adventures of François Pyrard in Maldives, to the delicate flora rooted in our islands and the distinct flavours of local cuisine that is so diverse depending on which atoll of Maldives you are looking at, the content of Breeze is diverse and paints a beautiful picture of Maldives.” comments Mohamed Mamduh, Managing Director of Perspective Pvt Ltd.
With the collaboration of talented writers, artists, designers and photographers, the stories of Breeze will evoke the past of the Maldives and guide readers to the present day stylish escapes at the resorts of Coco Collection.
In the near future, Breeze will be available in digital format to ensure that the magazine reaches a global audience.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]