Soneva announces ‘Live like a Millionaire’ competition for travel industry professionals
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Luxury resort operator Soneva has announced a new ‘Live like a Millionaire’ competition, open to the global travel industry.
The competition invites travel professionals worldwide to compete for confirmed bookings for villas with three rooms or more at Soneva Fushi in the Maldives or at Soneva Kiri in Thailand’s Koh Kood, open for stays between now and 31st March 2016.
The resort will choose the winner with the highest value of bookings made until 31st December 2015. The winner of the competition will win a seven-night stay in a luxurious villa for eight people with full board, in addition to flying business class flights and resort transfers.
Speaking about the competition, Sonu Shivasani, CEO and founder of Soneva said: “This is certainly one of the largest prizes offered in the travel industry and we expect significant interest and strong competition.”
“We will pay for themselves and seven of their friends or family to fly from anywhere around the world on business class flights and spend seven nights in one of our enormous luxury villas in Thailand or the Maldives,” Shivdasani said.
“They will live like millionaires with Soneva, as they enjoy private butlers, fine gourmet dining prepared by our award-winning chefs and unforgettable experiences.”
The resort has set up a weekly-updated leader board, which will show the current status of the travel consultants who are in the lead.
Entries in the competition are on an individual basis (per person) and not per company.
For more information, email sales@soneva.com.