Acclaimed British Cellist Steven Isserlis CBE to Perform at Soneva Fushi in July 2015
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The acclaimed British cellist Steven Isserlis CBE will be performing concerts at the award-winning luxury resort Soneva Fushi, from July 28 – August 02, 2015. Renowned worldwide for his technique and musicianship, Steven enjoys a distinguished career as a soloist, chamber musician, educator, author and broadcaster.
As a concerto soloist he appears regularly with the world’s leading orchestras and conductors, with recent engagements including performances with the Berlin Philharmonic, Budapest Festival, Philharmonia, Cleveland, Minnesota, and NHK Orchestras. He gives recitals every season in major musical centres, and plays with many of the world’s leading chamber orchestras, including period-instrument ensembles.
Guests who are at the resort during this time will be invited to attend the open-air sunset concerts, which will be held at multiple venues, including a private sandbank in the middle of the UNESCO Baa Atoll Biosphere Reserve in the Indian Ocean; Bar(a)bara, an overwater dining outlet; and the stunning outdoor Cinema Paradiso on Turtle Beach, with the widest screen in the Indian Ocean.
Junior Soneva guests will also be treated to a special children’s-themed concert from the musician, who has also authored several children’s books and musical stories.
Steven’s visit to Soneva is part of the resort’s rotating calendar of visiting practitioners and experts, which includes world-renowned musicians, artists, chefs, therapists and healers. Soneva Fushi’s event calendar is available to be viewed here.