Celebrity fitness trainer Dave Catudal to hold wellness retreats at Coco Collection resorts
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Dave Catudal – celebrity fitness trainer, certified nutrition consultant and international health educator – is set to visit Coco Palm Bodu Hithi and Dhuni Kolhu in August this year.
Conducting wellness retreats in Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu from 10th to 15th August and from 18th to 23rd August at Coco Bodu Hithi, the expert in wellness has designed unique programmes to help guests improve their minds and physiques through nutrition, positive thinking and a balanced diet.
Guests can take part in private wellness consultations with Dave to better understand the different body types and diet plans that would be most fitting for each individual. The retreat will also include health workshops which will raise awareness about differing types of diet plans, including health transforming diets, modern day detox diets and anti-aging and hormone optimisation diets.
A high intensity interval training session will also provide guests with metabolic fat-loss challenges followed by ocean fitness activities such as athletic body warm up routines, kayaking and swimming exercises. Guests can also enjoy sunrise and sunset yoga sessions to improve their core strength with the help of the resident yogi.
The author of “The Physique Transformation Book – A complete guide to optimal health and a better body”, Dave has dedicated the last 14 years of his life to wellness and optimising human performance.
His methods of teaching emphasise organic nutrition along with an active and balanced lifestyle, while incorporating positive thinking and stress reduction techniques to compliment the mind-body connection.
Dave studied Kinesiology at University, and is known as a “physique transformation specialist”. He has helped create and develop specialised wellness programs and fitness centers in Canada, America and Asia, while providing health consulting services to clients all parts of the world.
“The Maldives is the ideal place for a wellness retreat! When it comes to the health of our bodies, we must also exercise the health of the mind. I can’t think of a more ideal location to experience a holistic wellness retreat than the Maldives. Guests will return home with a lighter, leaner and more healthy body, and a more balanced and peaceful mind,” Dave commented.
Coco Bodu Hithi is located in North Male’ Atoll whilst Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu is a seaplane ride away in Baa Atoll. Prices for the 5 day retreat at Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu start from USD 2,528 in a Beach Villa, whilst guests at Coco Bodu Hithi can also experience the retreat starting from USD 3,158 in an Island Villa.