Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts and SriLankan Airlines launch Asia’s first ever Travel Bloggers Awards
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Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts Head of Brand Marketing Dileep Mudadeniya commented, saying: “Against the backdrop of the successful TBCasia held last year, we are proud to pioneer the Cinnamon Travel Bloggers Awards in 2016 in partnership with SriLankan Airlines, to recognise bloggers’ contribution to creating awareness and interest in travel destinations. Digital media is the new frontier for the industry and by recognising and rewarding these initiatives, Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts is proud to infuse the local travel and tourism industry with new thinking.”
SriLankan Airlines General Manager Corporate Communications Saminda Perera commented: “At a time when the people’s media has taken precedence over traditional travel and destination promotions, it is vital that we as stakeholders, collectively promote and encourage the presence of bloggers in the country, which will in return inspire more and more travellers to explore Sri Lanka. SriLankan Airlines considers it a pleasure to be the official airline partner of the Cinnamon Travel Bloggers Awards 2016.”
A selection of shortlisted applicants will then be hosted in Sri Lanka by Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts for an all-expense paid tour, the conference and the Travel Blogger Awards Ceremony, while return air tickets will also be provided courtesy of SriLankan Airlines. The pre-conference tour which will be held from 2-6 June 2016 will be followed by the one-day conference at the Cinnamon Grand Colombo on June 7th and culminate in a gala red carpet awards night on the final day.