Fihalhohi and Olhuveli compete at 2015 Sonee Sports Inter Resort Volleyball Tournament Final
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In the lead up to the match Olhuveli team’s manager Abdulla Hassan said: “We are very hopeful that we’ll win. Our team has been practising well.”
The Fihalhohi team’s manager Ahmed Jabir said he was confident in the team’s ability to deliver. The team also had a good track record – it had appeared thrice in the finals and had won twice, in 2013 and 2014.
“We worked hard to get here,” said Jabir. “We’re also very lucky to have a supportive management.” He added that the team’s coach Ahmed Adheel has been crucial to the team’s success in recent years.
Adheel, who is also an assistant coach of the Maldives’ senior men’s national team, was very pleased with the team’s progress. “They’re very dedicated, very committed. And that’s key to success, really.”
The match started at 4.15 in the afternoon at Olhuveli’s volleyball court. It was attended by Fihalhohi’s general manager Adam Ibrahim, officials of Volleyball Association of the Maldives as well as scores of supporters of both teams. Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Shah Ismail was the chief guest at the event.
As soon as the game started, it was clear that it was going to be a close match. The first set went to Olhuveli after a fierce fight, with Fihaalhohi just two points behind.
The second set saw Fihalhohi surge ahead and maintain their lead, winning 25 to 18.
Olhuveli got ahead early in the third set and won 22 to 25 with Fihalhohi threatening to draw level several times.
The fourth set got off to a very tense start, with tit for tat scoring. The game was tight, with both teams taking the slightest of leads and conceding their position to the other within minutes. However, towards the end, Olhuveli nudged ahead and kept their position, finishing the set 25 to 22. They emerged victorious, winning the game 3-1.
The winning team was award the trophy by the chief guest Shah Ismail. Olhuveli’s Ali Amir was judged Man of the Match. The winners celebrated ecstatically, team members joining forces with their jubilant supporters. Each Olhuveli team member was awarded a gold medal.
“We finally pulled through,” said a delighted Abdulla Hassan. “It was a tough game but our boys did well. It took months of practice and it showed on the court.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]