GM Forum 2020 rescheduled for 1st October 2020
Due to prevailing uncertainties, partly due to the rapid increase of coronavirus (COVID-19) and the potential risks associated with it, the organisers of the Hotelier Maldives GM Forum, Perspective Pvt Ltd, have today decided to reschedule the event to 1st October 2020. The venue will remain the same: Crossroads Maldives.
The registrations for the Forum will remain valid if you have already registered. Transfers and related details will be communicated closer to the event date.
Confirmed Sponsorships are guaranteed. Sponsorship deadline will now be extended and delegates can also register until seats are fully booked, which are reserved on a first come first serve basis.
For more information, please contact +960 7910858 or email: cristina@perspective.mv
To download media kit; https://forms.gle/Ghqksqfg1ScVU3qM7
To register; https://hoteliermaldives.com/gmforum-register/