Hotel Investment Conference for Asia Pacific (HICAP) 2015 underway at the InterContinental Hong Kong
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Yesterday saw the opening of the Hotel Investment Conference for Asia Pacific (HICAP) at the InterContinental Hong Kong. The three-day event will conclude on Friday and is recognised as the most well established conference for the hotel investment and development community in the Asia Pacific region.
HICAP, who have been organising and hosting conferences in the Asia Pacific region for the past 25 years, describe their conventions as “the unequalled annual gathering place[s] for Asia-Pacific’s hotel investment community, attracting the most influential owners, developers, lenders, executives, and professional advisors from around the globe.”
The conference includes a host of masterclasses and workshops, covering everything from development opportunities to the impact of millenials on the travel industry. Throughout the three days, the conference will be offering the chance to attend presentations on political and economic risk overview and investment outlook programmes.
Attendees can choose to follow one of several ‘tracks’, such as the Investment Track, Ownership Track or Asset Management Track. All events, presentations and sessions are then categorised according to the relevant track.
Highlights from today’s tracks include ‘How to Negotiate A Hotel Management Agreement in 90 Days (Or Less!)’ under the Ownership track, and Brand Blur vs. Brand Value, under the Hot Topic track.
Tonight, a networking gala will also be held at the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, giving attendees a chance to mingle and network.
The Hot Topic Track session entitled Where to Develop? will also see Mohamed Aseel, the Deputy Managing Director of Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporations on the panel. There will also be a 15 minute window open for investment opportunities in the Maldives later in the day.
Tomorrow, conference highlights will include an Ownership Track session on ‘Getting More Out Of Your Operator’ and a Hot Topics Track session on ‘Sustainable Hotel Innovations & Best Practices’.
The last day of the conference will see the awarding of the HICAP Sustainable Hotel Awards at a luncheon gala.