Hotelier Maldives Supplier Directory to be launched later this year
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Perspective Pvt Ltd, the publisher of Hotelier Maldives magazine and organizer of the annual General Managers’ Forum will be launching a hotel supplier directory in November this year.
The Supplier Directory will include a comprehensive listing of hotel suppliers categorised according to type of product and service. While the general listing will be free of charge and on full complimentary basis, premium listing options will be available for those interested. Premium feature categories will include advertorials, company profiles, product reviews and photo classifieds. A limited number of advertising options will also be available for those reaching out to resorts, guesthouses and safari vessel operators in the Maldives.
Branded as Hotelier Maldives Supplier Directory, the print edition will be published annually. A comprehensive website featuring all contents of the directory will be available online in early 2018. The website will be search optimized for ease of use for those seeking to source all ranges of products and services required for hotel operations in the Maldives.
A limited number of copies of the directory will be given out at the launch later this year and copies may also be pre-ordered or booked online by sending an email to sales@ with the subject line ‘supplier directory’.
For inquiries you may call, +960 791 0868, +960 791 0858 or +960 919 7789 or email: sales@[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]