Kuramathi Island Resort awarded TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence for fourth consecutive time
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The Certificate of Excellence is awarded to hotels and resorts that receive outstanding reviews on the TripAdvisor website consistently throughout the year. General Manager of Kuramathi Island Resort, Abdul Latheef said: “We are sincerely gracious for the continuous support we get from our guests. With the world technology at the tip of our fingertips, it is crucial for us to know what our guests write about us in order for us to provide a quality service and warm hospitality on our beautiful island.”
Kuramathi Island Resort is located in Rasdhoo Atoll, only 20 minutes away by seaplane from the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport. The resort offers a range of accommodation types for guests to choose from, ranging from Garden Villas, Jacuzzi Beach Villas to Honeymoon Pool Villas. The resort features an Environment Committee which is headed by their resident marine biologist and horticulturist. The resort offers three main restaurants and seven à-la-carte restaurants.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]