Kuramathi Island Resort debuts new menu at re-styled Siam Garden restaurant
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Kuramathi Island Resort has unveiled exciting changes at the island’s Thai restaurant, Siam Garden.
This month, the restaurant, which delivers authentic food from Thailand’s north and south provinces, has debuted a redesigned, extended menu. In addition, the exotic eatery has also undergone major changes to interior and exterior designs.
The new and improved menu now offers guests an extensive choice of dishes to choose from. Michel Muffat, Kuramathi’s executive chef focussed on including a greater variety of recipes that catered to a wide range of tastes. Infused with local flavour and fresh ingredients, 100 new dishes are featured and prepared by the team of proficient Thai chefs.
The restaurant’s refurbished setting is now the perfect location to sample this authentic cuisine. The refined look combines contemporary touches and Thai architecture, whilst blending in elements of its Maldivian setting. The result is a peaceful, authentic atmosphere, where diners can truly enjoy the beauty of Asia.
Siam Garden is one of a staggering nine restaurants on Kuramathi. As well as the resort’s three main restaurants and Siam Garden, the 1.8km island is also home to Indian, Mediterranean, seafood, ‘global’ and barbeque restaurants. So guests can truly enjoy a culinary journey, without having the leave the island!
Kuramathi Island Resort is located in Rasdhoo Atoll, 56 kilometres west of the Male’ International Airport.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]