kyBoot: Walk on air
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Swiss inventor and entrepreneur Karl Müller discovered the pleasantness of walking through paddy fields while he was in South Korea during the 90s. Müller was comforted by the softness and the suppleness of the rice paddy soil, and he decided to take this sensation to walkers everywhere.
To do so, Müller became his own test subject while he researched and developed a brand new breed of shoe. In 1997 Müller introduced his MBT shoe with its revolutionary ‘rolling sole’ to the market and over the years it has proved its therapeutic value, being copied by more than 100 shoe providers in the world. However, Müller did not stop there. He continued to research the idea he had stumbled upon in Korea. And in 2007 he formed his company Kybun, introducing KyBoot, a new brand which takes the comforts of the paddy fields even further.
Kybun’s flagship retail outlet, named after their brand KyBoot, was opened in Maldives just over a year ago. The outlet has flourished in just a few months and is progressively becoming known as one of the highest quality footwear providers in the country.
KyBoot shoes at first glance might seem heavy. But they are actually lighter than air once you wear them. The shoes are fitted with a soft cushion between the feet and the ground, and each step pumps a puff of air into the foot space, creating a comfortable, soft space for the toes. No wonder their motto is ‘walk on air’.
“The shoes are perfect for any weather, and activity,” says country manager of Kybun, Bassam Adam. “Trekking, running, or just exercising at the gym, you can wear KyBoot with complete confidence and style,” he adds. KyBoot shoes are also well known for being both odour free and hypoallergenic, a plus point for those living in the tropical climate of the Maldives. The shoes can also be worn comfortably with or without socks while the soft cushioned inside gives the feet all the space it needs to breathe. Additionally, Kyboot shoes are kinder and gentler on the joints, and help activate blood flow in the legs while providing users with immense pain relief properties.
Bassam assures that these shoes are a positive investment that one can make towards a healthier lifestyle. “The shoes are also ideal for walking on the beach, on sand, and can actually help the person stimulate their blood flow when walking,” he says. “We are also very keen on introducing the shoes to the boutiques and shops in the resorts in the future.”
KyBoot also provides simple footwear; everyday sandals, jogging shoes, party wear and office wear as well. While the prominent aspect of KyBoot is comfort, all footwear is beautifully designed as well, and according to Bassam, some of the smart shoes have been designed by the same artist who designs famous footballer Christiano Ronaldo’s shoes.
The KyBoot outlet in the Maldives is located at Heenaadige, Maaveyo Magu, Male’ and also promotes the KyBoot bounder, a soft thick mattress that helps achieve greater blood circulation and stress relief when standing at one point for too long. The outlet is also the official and exclusive distributor of Flexo tape and shoes in the Maldives. Flexo tape used for treating pain, joint injuries and other sports injuries is recommended by doctors and sports specialists even in the Maldives and is a trusted brand used by sportsmen around the world.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]