Latest Maldives Visitor Survey: 93 percent say holiday expectations were met
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The majority of respondents were Chinese at 23 per cent, followed by British (14 per cent), German (12 per cent), Indian (6 per cent) Japanese (5 per cent), Italian (4 per cent), French (4 per cent). Others amounted to 32 per cent.
Of those surveyed 47 per cent reported that their motivation to visit was the beauty of the Maldives. The beaches and underwater life motivated 19 per cent and 17 per cent of visitors respectively. 14 per cent were motivated by peacefulness and 11 per cent by the Maldives’ uniqueness.
Honeymoon visitors make up the largest share of those visiting the Maldives at 34 per cent. Others come for rest and relaxation (32 percent). 13 per cent and eight per cent come for snorkelling and diving respectively.

The survey reveals that the visitors’ main source of information about the Maldives is through the internet; 27 per cent of visitors find out about the country through the internet. Word of mouth too remains a strong advertising tool at 25 per cent.
62 per cent of those surveyed said they used the internet to make their holiday bookings in the Maldives. 13 per cent booked holidays through hotel or resort websites. 47 per cent booked their holidays more than three months in advance. 25 per cent of those who visit the Maldives refer to Tripadvisor and 10 per cent used visitmaldives.com to plan their trip.
The majority of those surveyed were between 25-34 years, making up 56 per cent. 35-44 year olds accounted for 18 per cent as did those 45 years and above. There were more mature visitors in peak months. 86 per cent travelled to the Maldives with their partner or family.

19 per cent of visitors were repeat guests, with Swiss visitors making up most of the repeaters.
55 per cent of visitors stay for 4-7 nights, while 18 per cent stay for 8-11 nights, and 12 per cent for 12-15 nights. Germans, British and Italians tended to stay for longer periods.
47 per cent used speedboat transfers to get to their place of stay while 37 per cent used seaplanes and 12 per cent, domestic flights. For 79 per cent of the visitors, it takes less than an hour to reach their destination. Domestic flights and speedboats were mostly perceived as value-for-money transfer options while more people thought seaplane transfers were costly.
The majority of visitors (82 per cent) stayed at resorts. Only 13 per cent of visitors stayed at guesthouses and hotels, and just three per cent on boats.
Only 29 per cent of visitors visited a local island during their stay in the Maldives.
93 per cent of visitors stated that their holiday expectations were met.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]