Maldives records 1.1 million tourist arrivals this year at the end of November
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Tourist arrivals from January to November 2015 increased by 1.3% compared to the same period last year. For the January to November period last year, tourist arrivals totalled 1,011,335.
Looking at statistics for November 2015, a total of 90,218 tourists had arrived in the country during the month and this a 0.5% improvement compared to November 2014.
At the end of November 2015, the largest number of tourist arrivals for this year was recorded to be from the Asia Pacific region making up 49.9% of total arrivals. Tourist arrivals from the Asia Pacific region for the January to November 2015 period improved by 1.9% when compared to the same duration last year.
For the January to November 2015 period, second largest number of arrivals were from Europe. At the end of November, Europeans amounted to 42.3% of the total tourists who arrived in the country this year. Compared to the same duration last year, arrivals from Europe dropped by 1.1%. With a share of 3.4%, third most arrivals for the duration were from the Americas. Arrivals from this region showed an improvement of 12.5% compared to the same duration last year.
Country wise, at the end of November, most tourists who arrived in the Maldives this year were recorded to be from China, with a share of 30.8%. Second most arrivals for the period was recorded to be from Germany, with a share of 8.6%. UK came in third with a share of 7.5%, with Italy following at 4.9%, and India with 4.0%.
Although tourist arrivals for November 2015 recorded an improvement, tourist arrivals for November 2015 were previously expected to decline due to various global events. Compared to November 2014, tourist arrivals from traditional markets such as Italy, UK, Germany, Japan, along with India saw huge improvements. A notable improvement was seen for Italy. Compared to November 2014, arrivals from Italy increased by 23.6% in November 2015.
Markets that saw declines in November 2015 include China, Russia and France. The decline in Chinese arrivals is said to be caused by the discontinuation of some charter flights that were arriving in the Maldives from China. Arrivals from France are said to have declined due to the recent terror attacks in the country and arrivals from Russia are said to have declined due to the downturn of the Russian economy.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]