Male Supplies introduces premium beverages from luxury drinks company East Imperial
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East Imperial is a New Zealand-based beverages company that produces a small range of select premium carbonated drinks and tonics. The beverage range is made up of a tonic water, a Burma tonic, a Thai ginger ale, a ginger beer and a ‘superior soda water’.
All five beverages are small batch blended, have a shelf-life of two years and include no artificial flavours, sweeteners or preservatives. The authentic tonic water is based on a recipe from 1903 and contains all natural Javanese quinine. It is now the only tonic water sourcing all the key ingredients from Asia and East Imperial describes it as “the champagne of tonic waters”. What’s more, the tonic comes in at almost half the calories of most other commercial brands.
“At East Imperial, tradition and quality are particularly important. All of our products are made using only the purest ingredients, sustainably sourced from Asia and East Africa, home of the original tonic water,” states the brand’s website.
Ibrahim Saleem, Director at Male Supplies describes the products saying, “These are premium products and their size, appearance and quality make them perfect for high-end resorts for both their outlets and in-villa minibars.”
The distribution came about after Male Supplies was approached by the newly opened luxury property Outrigger Konotta Resort Maldives, who were keen to be able to offer guests this particular brand of beverages. Several other resorts are now expressing interest in the brand, which was named this year as the 4th best-selling tonic brand in the world by Drinks International magazine.
All East Imperial beverages are served in 150ml glass bottles, meaning that they are 100% recyclable. East Imperial is also a member of 1% for the Planet, which means they donate 1% of their annual net revenues to environmental organizations worldwide.
For more information, please contact Male Supplies on sales@malesupplies.com.mv
Male Supplies is a resort supplier in the Maldives that specialises in distributing premium products and solutions for all aspects of hotel and resort operations.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]