MOPA Launches Waste Segregation Model Island Programme on Kudahuvadhoo
The Maldives Ocean Plastics Alliance (MOPA), together with the organization’s partners and the Dh. Kudahuvadhoo Council, officially launched the Waste Segregation Model Island programme on Dh. Kudahuvadhoo, on 17th February 2022.
The launching ceremony was attended by MOPA officials and Dh. Kudahuvadhoo Council Members, as well as representatives of key partners – Male’ Aerated Water Company Limited (bottlers of “Coca-Cola” beverages), Dhaalu Atoll Education Center, Live and Learn, Dhaalu Airport, Manta Air, Dh. Kudahuvadhoo Women’s Development Committee, International Pole and Line Fishing, Kudahuvadhoo Waste Management Center and West Marine.
In his opening remarks, the Founder and Chairman of MOPA, Mr. Thoriq Ibrahim highlighted that the Waste Segregation Model Island programme was one of the flagship projects of MOPA. He noted that the programme was conceptualised early last year, and expressed his satisfaction that the endeavour had become a reality, with MOPA being able to handover the much-needed bins and bags required to implement a full-scale segregation of waste on the island. “Kudahuvadhoo can become the first island to fully comply with the new waste management regulation, including segregation at household levels,” he added.
The ceremony at Dh. Kudahuvadhoo Waste Management Center began by handing over the waste collection bins to officials of the Dh. Kudhuvadhoo Island Council. This was followed by a community awareness and educational session on solid waste management, segregation at source and recycling, which was held at Dhaalu Atoll Education Center. The session was attended by the Centre’s students, their parents and the Members of the Dh. Kudahuvadhoo Council.
MOPA’s initiative provides over 1000 bins in total, with each household being allotted two bins, four gunny bags for the collection of Metal & Glass Wastes, Plastic Waste and Other (Mixed Wastes). This allows to complete the facilitation of the households to segregate four types of waste – Organic Waste, Plastics, Metal & Glass, Other (mixed wastes). It also allows the waste management centre to efficiently collect and manage the island’s waste. Through the Kudahuvadhoo Waste Management Center (KWMC), the Island Council then facilitates daily collection from the households and take the segregated waste separately to the KWMC.
MOPA’s programme also includes transporting all collected PET bottles from Kudahuvadhoo to Malé. From there, the plastic is exported for recycling by Parley Maldives. Since its inception in September 2020, MOPA has collected over 40 tonnes of plastic.
The programme on Dh. Kudahuvadhoo also involves educating and raising public awareness on solid waste management and recycling.
At Thursday’s launching ceremony, Ibrahim Fikuree, the President of the Island Council thanked MOPA and its partners for their support, and reiterated the commitment of the Council and the island community to successfully implement the programme. “We are focused on become the first island to fully comply with the new regulation,” he said.