New TrustYou Radar app allows hoteliers to access all a hotel’s reviews in one place
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TrustYou Radar, a new application-based tool for iOS and Android, will now allow hoteliers to access all of their property’s reviews from across multiple hotel review websites in one place. Allowing the possibility of managing reviews from websites such as Expedia.com, Booking.com and TripAdvisor.com, this application offers the possibility to follow up, analyse and respond to reviews and guest surveys while on the go, as an addition to TrustYou Analytics.
“Travellers trust reviews when they are interested in a hotel and making a booking decision,” declares the app’s press release. “A TrustYou study shows that 76 percent of travellers are willing to pay more for a hotel with higher review scores. Therefore, it is all the more important for hoteliers to overview reviews at all times and manage them directly. This is now possible 24/7 with the new TrustYou Radar app.”
After downloading the app for free, users can receive alerts directly on their phone when a new review or a guest survey has been written and can reply immediately. Furthermore, a hotel’s performance can be benchmarked against competitors so that hoteliers are always updated about their reputation relative to their competition. Additionally, the Meta-Review – the complete summary of verified reviews across the web – displays users a structured overview about their hotel’s reputation within the app.
Benjamin Jost, TrustYou co-founder and CEO said: “I am very proud of the new advancement within our product range. The TrustYou Radar app is incredibly easy to operate. In today’s competitive environment, it is extremely important for hotels to respond quickly and directly to reviews. TrustYou Radar is the perfect solution for hoteliers looking to save time and improve operations while on the go.”
TrustYou Radar is now available for free download on Google Play and the Apple Store.