Purchasing Power: Kabirdoss Iniyan, Purchasing Manager, Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa
In this interview with Hotelier Maldives, Kabirdoss Iniyan, purchasing manager for Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa, speaks about the ideal supplier and his most successful deals.
How long have you been in Purchasing?
I started my career in the hospitality industry as a purchasing manager at an organization in Singapore and then moved to Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa in 2016. I have total of nine years of experience in procurement sector.
What do you look for in a product?
I look for good quality and a reasonable price while ordering any product. Also, I make sure that the products meet departmental expectations.
What area of the hotel are you most proud of?
There are many areas in Hideaway that I am proud of but mostly, it will be our in-house fruit and vegetable gardens, which provide us an adequate supply of organic food items that our Executive Chef uses to create healthier food choices at the resort and also adds to our sustainability efforts. Also, I am proud of all our team members who help the resort operation run smoothly and efficiently at this large island resort.
Tell us about one of your most successful deals.
We had a lot of successful deals in the past few years. For instance, the wine deal that we made running up towards Festive 2020, was partly a factor which ensured the success of that peak period. As we have a wide range of wine selections for our guests, since consumption shoots up during that period, finding ample supply in that wide range is quite a challenge.
What does a supplier have to do to impress you?
What impresses me the most is, if the supplier provides best quality products with the right price and most importantly, delivers on time. Moreover, honesty plays a vital role as most deals are made virtually. This ensures an ongoing relationship for us to work together to keep guests happy and satisfied at our resort.