Purchasing Power: Ahmed Asim, Purchasing Manager, Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives
In this interview with Hotelier Maldives, Ahmed Asim, the Purchasing Manager for Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives, speaks about the ideal supplier and his most successful deals.
Hotelier Maldives: How long have you been in purchasing?
Ahmed Asim: I started my career in hotel industry back in 2007, so it’s been 14 years since I have been in purchasing.
HM: What do you look for in a product?
AA: When choosing a product, I consider the price, availability, the quality /reliability of the product, and its technical support.
HM: What area of the hotel are you most proud of?
AA: There is no specific area as I’m proud of all the areas of our operation.
HM: Tell us about one of your most successful deals.
AA: I have been very fortunate to have met many professionals in my career.
It has been said that over the past couple of years, procurement departments are becoming increasingly powerful. They dictate how negotiations unfold as value propositions are torn apart and prices lowered until vendors can hardly think straight. It sounds like a horror story, right? But it doesn’t have to be that way. Dealing with procurement is always going to be a challenge, but if you understand their game, it will be much easier to play yours.
I would say that my most successful deal was once the supplier has expressed interest to the resort supply business, I make myself available to answer any questions they have. Next, I elaborate on any of the details surrounding the product that they are not familiar with (i.e. features, benefits, etc.). I believe that when a supplier is making an expensive purchase, they like to have time to fully understand all the features, and how each feature will benefit them. I also like to explain what makes one company (i.e., manufacturer) preferable to another. By representing a company with a superior product (and a high level of customer support) I have been very successful at landing most of my purchases for the hotel.
Every deal I have negotiate which saves the resort money, whilst sourcing the highest quality, is a successful deal. I have lead negotiations on multiple container deals over the years with many international and local suppliers as well as freight forwarders, which has been integral in the resort operations.
HM: What does a supplier have to do to impress you?
AA: Well, what impresses me the most is when the supplier is honest, reliable and go above and beyond with their service. Provide us the best quality product and deliver the goods on schedule.