Researcher at GNVK LLP
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Researcher at GNVK LLP
Job Description:
The Researcher will be responsible for developing a database of the following;
- All facilities presently leased for tourism related purposes pending completion and operation
- The current head-lease and sub-lease holders of the said facilities and their contact details
- Details of real estate developments in Male and Hulhumale with contact details of the developers
- Contact information and details of International hotel management companies presently managing properties in the Maldives
- Contact information and details of all institutions presently financing the development and operations of the Maldives tourism industry
The Researcher’s position is a temporary position lasting the duration of the assignment. A contract will be signed between successful applicant and GNVK LLP.
Candidates should have studied to GCE A’ Levels and obtained a minimum of 3 passes. Applicant with relevant work experience will be given preference.
About Company
GNVK LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in the Republic of Maldives. The partnerships’ primary interests are on hospitality related real estate brokerage and offers the following services;
- Act as an Investment Advisory for prospective investors
- Property Brokerage
- Property Valuation and Appraisal
- Investor Representation
- Evaluation (of investment proposals)
- Due diligence – legal / Financial
- Feasibility Studies
- Market Surveys
- Guidance and Assistance in Legal and Final Matters Pertaining to Local Laws
- Project Management
How to apply
Please email CV to info@gnvkllp.com by 1700 hrs, 10 June 2015.
For more information, please contact 3005523 between 10AM and 4PM on weekdays. Queries can also be sent via email.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]