Singapore Airlines looking to buy out all other Tiger Airways shareholders
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Singapore Airlines (SIA) has launched a voluntary conditional general offer for all the shares of Tiger Airways that it does not already own, with the aim of delisting and privatising the budget carrier.
SIA currently owns 55.8 percent of Tiger Airways, valued at approximately S$1.02 billion. SIA is offering Tiger Airways’ shareholders S$0.41 (US$0.29) in cash per share, and they have the option to subscribe to SIA shares at S$11.1043 per share. SIA further stated that the offer would be funded through internal cash resources.
CEO of Singapore Airlines, Goh Choon Phong is quoted to have said: “Tiger Airways’ success is closely linked to it being part of the SIA Group through our portfolio strategy, in which we have investments in both the full-service and low-cost aspects of the business.”
He further added, “We are confident that full integration of Tiger Airways into the SIA Group will result in enhanced operational and commercial synergies, ensuring Tiger Airways’ long-term success.”
The offer is conditional upon SIA and parties acting in concert with it owning more than 90 per cent of Tiger Airways by the close of the offer and the approval in-principle for the dealing in, listing of and quotation of the new SIA shares. The option to subscribe for SIA shares is exerciseable at any time during the 15-market day period, which will commence on a date announced by SIA.
SIA currently owns 55.8 per cent of Tiger Airways.