Six Senses Laamu launches Mind Fitness programme, designed to cultivate inner clarity
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“Maintaining a healthy body with regular exercise and good nutrition is beneficial for our physical well-being. When it comes to fitness, training the mind is equally important as training the body. With regular exercise, the mind becomes ‘fitter’ which leads to improved concentration skills, greater clarity, more emotional positivity, and the ability to enjoy the moment and see the true nature of things,” the resort’s announcement explains of its motivations.
The three-night Mind Fitness program is described as blending “the expertise of our in-house experts with specialist therapies and wellness activities that have been used for centuries to calm the monkey mind and bring about a sense of stillness and peace.”
Each stay starts with a wellness consultation during which the resort’s wellness consultant discusses the guest’s current lifestyle, concerns and determines the areas that require most attention. This is followed by a program of treatments which have been specifically chosen to help calm and ‘exercise’ the mind.
The treatment programme includes Ayurvedic practices such as nasyam and shirodhara, as well as breathing exercises known as pranayama, and mindfulness meditations. Nasyam is a therapeutic treatment that uses medicated oils to gently cleanse the nasal and sinus cavities and the throat, increasing oxygenation and promoting clarity of the mind. Shirodhara is an ancient stress-releasing practice during which warm oil is poured over the third eye to calm the nerves, release stored emotions and purify the mind. Pranayama utilizes breathing techniques to remove blockages in energy channels, strengthen the respiratory system and tame the monkey mind, calming down its extrovert tendencies and minimizing the thought process. Mindfulness meditation focuses on being aware of every moment, sound, smell and our surroundings.
The three-night Mind Fitness Programme includes:
A wellness consultation, 45 minutes on arrival
Three Pranayama sessions, 45 minutes
Three Mindfulness Meditation sessions, 45 minutes
Two Nasyam treatments, 30 minutes
Two Abhyanga & Shirodhara treatments, 90 minutes
Plus complimentary Sukodu puzzles, which is proven to be one of the most powerful mind exercises
USD 1,115++ per person
The price does not include accommodation and meals and is subject to tax and service charge.