Technology Review: DirectStreams – the only Mac-based IPTV solution in the world
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The challenge for hoteliers today is here: managing to stand out from the crowd and give the guest the best technology experience which suits everyone from the young tech-savvy to those of an older generation – from business/city travellers to leisure/resort vacationers.
DirectStreams provides the unique innovative opportunity to address in a cost efficient way this challenge all through simple yet sophisticated guest experience, proven reliability and easy to operate for the property.
According to Pascale Chatelain, CEO of DirectStreams, the company’s guiding principles follow Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’. “This is one of the essential foundations of DirectStreams’ philosophy in designing our guest solutions,” she added. As the only completely Apple Mac OS / iOS-based guest technology solutions provider in the world, the DirectStreams solution is built on the stable and secure foundation of the OS platform, delivering speed and fluidity, crisp graphic quality and the ability for guests to stream their own content through their personal devices to their in-room systems.
From a very simple and elegant remote to a very user-friendly interface, DirectStreams solution is a cutting edge, hospitality focused software technology that really adds a “wow” factor to client hotel properties. The intuitive platform and the powerful Mac Mini provide the best in-room experience for the guests and throughout the hotel.
DirectStreams solution is also designed to be easily integrated. They embed natively all hotel guest services, from signage, HSIA, business center kiosks etc., in one. This allows the hotel to eliminate vendor management headaches and high support costs, while ensuring operational excellence as the operational staff will be familiar using a very homogeneous IT interface.
Direct Streams
DirectStreams (www.direct-streams.com) is a privately held software company based in Paris and Singapore. Its strategic vision of the IP multimedia market is based on IP convergence. All the services provided are One Technology, One Vendor, One support. It goes from In-Room entertainment solution to Digital Signage as well as HSIA and iPad solutions. DirectStreams installed base spans from Europe, Asia Pacific and the United States (sales@direct-streams.com)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]