The Manta Trust launches marine education programme for students in Kamadhoo
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The Manta Trust has announced their intention to start a marine education programme for school children to help increase their local understanding of the ocean and its inhabitants. On October 17th the charity signed an MoU with the management of Baa Kamadhoo School, where the program will launch. The program will consist of theory and practical lessons on different topics related to local marine systems and their ecosystems.
Baa Atoll Marine Education Program for local students is a one year pilot program the Manta Trust, along with Four Seasons Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru, will start with Baa Kamadhoo School’s 8th and 9th graders. Baa Atoll, a UNESCO biosphere reserve, attracts hundreds of unique marine animals throughout the year, and therefore is one of the best places for students to carry out their practicals learning about manta rays, and other different types of fish.
The one year program will be divided into six topics, chosen by the marine biologists of Baa Atoll Resorts United (BAARU), which include biosphere reserve, corals, mantas and whale sharks, turtles, sharks and waste. Theory classes are set to be held at the Baa Kamadhoo School. Upon the one year completion of the course, Manta Trust will enroll a new batch.
Students will be doing field work, reports, and crafts work, and will have their performance and work assessed throughout the year. At the end of the year they will each get a graduation certificate, where the best student will also be presented with a special certificate.
Speaking about the education program, Guy Stevens, CEO/ Founder of the Manta Trust said: “Community and government-led educational initiatives are a vital step along the road that leads back to awareness, and in turn real conservation. We need to lay the foundations for a future generation that will be more in tune with nature and the impacts we all have on our natural world – a world we have taken so much for granted, but which there is still time to save if we care enough to make it happen”.
The Manta Trust hopes to inspire and educate the next generation of the Maldives to become ambassadors for the conservation of the beautiful yet fragile natural heritage of the country. The Manta Trust is also looking to expand the program to other regional schools.