TripAdvisor launches free Review Performance report for registered businesses
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TripAdvisor has announced the launch of the Review Performance report – an enhanced online analytics dashboard available for free to all registered businesses on the site.
The Review Performance report offers improved functionality from existing analytics tools including the ability for businesses to track trends over time and to create their own competitor sets.
The robust trend data and competitor analysis allows business owners to see how travellers are engaging with their listings on TripAdvisor and to easily identify actionable insights on operations and performance.
For the first time, restaurant and attraction businesses will also be able to track their performance against their competitors on TripAdvisor, analytics previously only available to accommodation providers.
Minesh Shah, Senior Director, Global Hotel Partnerships, TripAdvisor said: “The Review Performance report has been designed to make it is easier for businesses to engage with their TripAdvisor listing and their guest feedback.”
Shah continued, “What makes this new dashboard so valuable for registered business owners is that it automatically aggregates performance trends and presents them in an easy-to-digest display, placing valuable learnings at their fingertips to help them drive engagement and optimise their presence on TripAdvisor.”
Review Performance report features:
- Free and available to all registered businesses in all languages across all points of sale
- Data is viewable in weekly, monthly or quarterly displays
- Owners can build and modify up to 10 competitor sets
- Ability to compare reviews and rankings with their competitors over time
- Consolidated performance information in one easy-to-use dashboard
Registered business owners can access the Review Performance report through the Management Centre – the hub page for businesses on TripAdvisor.
Source: ehotelier