UNWTO and PATA collaborate for bimonthly ‘Global Trends Shaping Tourism in Asia-Pacific’ reports
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The Sustainable Development Goals were formally adopted by more than 150 world leaders at the UN summit in New York last week and aim to promote shared prosperity and wellbeing for all, over the next 15 years.
The joint UNWTO/PATA research report, entitled “Global Trends Shaping Tourism in Asia and the Pacific,” is designed to help the travel and tourism industry become a part of that process and mainstream the SDGs into its plans and actions.
The electronic bimonthly report will be based on materials drawn from the many meetings, reports and media conferences held regularly by UN agencies in Bangkok (ESCAP, WHO, UNICEF, ILO, UNESCO, etc.) as well as other Asia-based groups such as the ADB, GMS, APEC and the like. It will be distributed free of charge. The Bangkok-based Executive Editor of Travel Impact Newswire, Mr Imtiaz Muqbil, has been commissioned to research and compile the reports.
The inaugural report was released at the PATA Travel Mart in Bangalore and the UNWTO annual general meeting in Medellin, Colombia, earlier this month.
The report says in the introduction, “A quick look at the full list of SDGs shows that the tourism sector is perhaps better placed than any other industry to contribute to the cause across-the-board. From protecting the very environment on which it survives to conserving cultural heritage, from providing for a better distribution of wealth to creating jobs for women, travel and tourism does it all.”
“The entire UN system is ready and willing to forge what will be a unique partnership with the tourism sector to shape ‘The Future We Want’ – and successfully achieve it,” it continues.
The first edition of the report can be accessed in full here.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]