Utility Regulatory Authority sets new deadline for submission of resorts’ as-built design reports

The Utility Regulatory Authority (URA) of Maldives has announced a crucial deadline for operational resorts regarding the submission of Utility Services’ as-built design reports. Resorts that have not yet requested an extension have until September 24, 2023, to submit their reports to the URA. The extension requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to ensure a fair and efficient process.

The as-built design report, also known as the as-constructed design report, is an essential document that outlines the technical information of the water system, sewer system, and waste management centre within the resort. The URA has specified the minimum requirements for the report, which must be adhered to by all operational resorts.

For the water system, the as-built design report should include the layout of the Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant, indicating the process flow and P&ID diagram. Additionally, the water network layout, detailing the main pipeline drawing, valves, washouts, and facility connection drawing, must be provided. Resorts are also required to include the Brine Outfall drawing in their submissions.

As for the sewer system, the report must encompass the layout of the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), showing the process flow and P&ID diagram. Similar to the water system, the sewer network layout, including the main pipeline drawing, valves, pump stations, and facility connection drawing, should be included. Furthermore, resorts must provide the Sewer Outfall drawing.

Regarding the Waste Management Centre (WMC), the as-built design report should contain the WMC site plan, showcasing all the equipment and machineries. Additionally, the Waste Transfer Route and Sewer Outfall drawing must be included in the report.

The URA emphasises that all information should be compiled utility-wise (water, sewer, and waste services) and submitted as a comprehensive report.

For power systems, resorts must also include any system upgrades in the as-built design report. If there have been any upgrades, these components must bear the signature of a registered engineer, certifying the reliability and adherence to safety standards.

Once the as-built design report has been submitted, the resort will become eligible for the registration and licensing process of the utility services. This process is set to commence in November 2023. However, resorts that face any non-compliance issues with URA’s design standards will be provided sufficient time to address and rectify the discrepancies.

The URA has requested the cooperation of all existing operational resorts to ensure a smooth and efficient registration and licensing process of the utility services.

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