Euro Marketing organises training programmes on ‘How to make Gelato’
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The training programme, which began yesterday at the National Art Gallery, will see the Gelato Master of the Carpigiani Gelato Univeristy, Christian Bonfiglio, demonstrate and explain to participants how to make gelato.
Business Development Manager of Euro Marketing Mariyam Neena said: “The training classes are carried out in two sessions – a theory class in the morning, followed by the practicals in the afternoon.”
Speaking about the training classes, Christian Bonfiglio said: “The participants of this training programme will be taught the basics about gelato. What it is, how to add different flavours, and how to prepare them. Gelato can be made in different ways – in addition to just mixing flavours and fruits, you can make a gelato lolly, or perhaps a gelato cake.” He continued,” At the trainings here, participants will learn how to make gelatos of different kinds.”
Neena also mentioned that the Euro Marketing team has already lined up more training programmes for the coming years. “We will be hosting many more events such as this one, and opening our doors to everyone.”
Prior to the training programme, Euro Marketing had organised an Open-Day event held last Monday, to give out information about this three-day gelato making classes.