Registration opens for GM Forum 2019
Registration for the Hotelier Maldives GM Forum 2019 is now open as Perspective Pvt Ltd—the publisher of Hotelier Maldives—prepares for the event to be held at Bandos Maldives on April 03, 2019. The GM Forum, an annual gathering of general managers and hospitality industry stakeholders, consists of keynote speeches from industry leaders and interactive panel discussions by experts on the Maldivian tourism and hospitality industry and the region.
This year, the GM Forum would feature a keynote address by Hervirender Pal Singh, Area Director for Global Safety & Security – South Asia for Marriott International, in addition to special presentations on the history of Maldives’ tourism through the lens of German photographer Michael Friedel, and the “necklace” project by one of the first generation of Maldivian hoteliers and marine conservationist Abdul Azeez Abdul Hakeem – ‘N.D. Azeez’.
This year, presentations and panel discussions at the GM Forum – the only dedicated gathering for hotel managers in the Maldives – would be themed around hotel safety and security, skills gap in the hospitality industry and how this challenge is being met, airport connectivity, best practices for sustainable tourism and women working in hospitality.
Inaugurated in 2016, the GM Forum provides insight into relevant and significant trends in the industry. The third edition of the annual event, which has proven to be tremendously popular with the core readership of Hotelier Maldives, saw the attendance of over 150 delegates representing over 40 hospitality brands. To register your attendance at the GM Forum 2019, please visit www.hoteliermaldives.com/gmforum-register. For sponsorship related inquiries, you may contact hotline (960) 791 0858 or email: sales@