Renate Hermes, Group Spa Director at Duniye Spas on Wellness Trends
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It may seem challenging to accurately predict how the spa industry, in particular resort spas, may evolve in the future. Numerous industry reports, trend analysis, future prediction of newest treatments and innovative services programs provide spa operators with a wealth of innovative and interesting information.
Yet we may face the difficulty to decide which direction to go, to differentiate between sustainable innovative concepts and the hype of fancy treatments with a lack of efficacy.
Worldwide wellness trends show that the current millennial generation and the baby boomer group are seeking for leisure vacations with the option of having meaningful and well-being orientated experiences, without being too prescriptive or rigid.
For us spa operators this is an invitation to reconnect to the basic, yet profound needs and fundamental concepts of beauty, health and well-being.
Taking time to get interested in our guests, to understand their motifs and objectives, to talk, to connect and to build trust. Taking time to show CARE, to assist our guests to feel and look good and ultimately to offer effective solutions to take home – simple as that.
I believe future spas will evolve more and more into “Well-Being/Lifestyle Centres” encompassing diet, exercise, stress, sleep management, alternative medicine, lifestyle coaching, woman’s health etc… Depending on the individual spa’s vision, the scale of programs may vary, but there will be or already is an emphasis on holistic and preventive wellness concepts.
The concept of holistic well-being is not new at all, but regains a new importance in times of an increasing lack of human connection and touch, adversity, health issue, aging population, lack of purpose and happiness.
Wellness is much more than merely physical health, exercise or nutrition. It is the full integration of balanced states of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. The model below includes physical, social- emotional, spiritual and mental wellness; environmental and occupational wellness can be considered as additional aspects. Each of these dimensions act and interact in a way that contributes to our own quality of life.
- “ Physical Wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get through our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. The ability to develop body and sensory awareness by engaging all senses is an intricate part of physical well-being….. . optimal Physical Wellness is a state of balance.
- Social – emotional Wellness is the ability to relate to and connect with other people in our world. Our ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with family, friends and co-workers contributes to our Social Wellness is the ability to understand ourselves and cope with the challenges life can bring. The ability to acknowledge and share feelings of anger, fear, sadness or stress; hope, love, joy and happiness in a productive manner contributes to our Emotional Wellness.
- Spiritual Wellness is the ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives. The ability to develop congruency between values and actions and to realize a common purpose that binds creation together contributes to our Spiritual Wellness.
- Mental Wellness is the ability to open our minds to new ideas and experiences that can be applied to personal decisions, group interaction and community betterment. The desire to learn new concepts, improve skills and seek challenges in pursuit of lifelong learning contributes to our Intellectual Wellness.
- Environmental Wellness is the ability to recognize our own responsibility for the quality of the air, the water and the land that surrounds us. The ability to make a positive impact on the quality of our environment, be it our homes, our communities or our planet contributes to our Environmental Wellness.
- Occupational Wellness is the ability to get personal fulfillment from our jobs or our chosen career fields while still maintaining balance in our lives. Our desire to contribute in our careers to make a positive impact on the organizations we work in and to society as a whole leads to Occupational Wellness.
[source: modified after “university of California, Riverside, UCR” ]
As spa operators we shall thrive toward the integration of these pillars of wellness into our spa concept and philosophy. Providing a simple, transparent and result-orientated concept to enhance our client’s health, beauty and well-being.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”32px”][vc_separator color=”grey” align=”align_center” style=”” border_width=”” el_width=””][vc_column_text]Renate Hermes, Group Spa Director Duniye Spas
Renate has worked in the international health, spa & wellness industry for more than 20 years. With a MA degree in health & wellness management and sport science (German University of Sport Sciences/Cologne) Renate is dedicated to the development of world-class spa and wellness centres.
There are currently nine Duniye Spas in the Maldives and two in the Seychelles.
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