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Visit Maldives, MATI sign agreement to strengthen collaboration

Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/ Visit Maldives) and the Maldives Association of Tourism Industry (MATI) on Wednesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen collaboration and amplify destination marketing efforts.

“We are delighted to formalise this important collaboration with MATI,” said Ibrahim Shiuree, CEO and Managing Director of MMPRC. “MATI’s extensive industry knowledge and experience will undoubtedly be an indispensable asset in strengthening our destination marketing efforts, and their insights and support will be invaluable as we work towards achieving our strategic objectives.”

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Ahmed Nazeer, Secretary General of MATI, echoed this sentiment, stating, “We have always maintained a close working relationship with MMPRC and we hope that our understanding today will serve to further solidify and enhance that relationship. Furthermore, it is our wish that this collaboration can help to bolster MMPRC’s Destination Marketing efforts, which are undoubtedly crucial for increasing our destination’s brand appeal and achieving our overall performance targets.”

Under the terms of this MOU, MATI will play an advisory role to MMPRC to aid in the conceptualisation and formulation of destination marketing strategies, campaigns, and tactics for the Maldives. Moreover, both parties will cooperate in sharing tourism-related data compilations, analytical findings and insights.

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