Wellness: Healing the sacred soul
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”10351″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_empty_space height=”16px”][vc_column_text]OBLU by Atmosphere at Helengeli operated by the New Indian Ocean brand Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts opened its doors to the public in November 2015 notably supports both active and wellness programmes for the guests. ELENA spa at the resort follows the theme of ‘revive, relax, rejuvenate’. Giving their guests a chance to experience a different types of holidays, the resort invited Touch of Soul, the holistic health care team combining the ancient technology of kundalini yoga therapy and the deep healing of naturopathology, to visit their beautiful island to share and experience the art of healing, and relaxing with their guests.
The resort strongly believes in educating the guests about wellness and healthy-living. During their six week stay at OBLU, Touch of Soul, together with the members at ELENA spa, joined forces to organise a range of exercises and awareness programmes for their guests. The six weeks saw Touch of Soul conduct yoga classes on the beach, special one to one healing sessions (on request) with guests, and introducing aqua-yoga to the children at the resort.
Touch of Soul is the union of Yoga Masters Paramjot Singh and Param Dhyan. The duo combines their specialties of kundalini yoga, meditation, naturopathy, alternative medicine, regression therapy , touch of soul reiki-healing, acupuncture, reflexology, pressure points massage, kinesiology, and psychological counselling to help people overcome their stress, burn-out, addictions, troubles and traumas in life.
Paramjot hails from Thailand (of Indian descent), with a background in yoga. Ever since he was a child, Paramjot has always been very curious about yoga and meditation. As he grew older, his curiosity grew. He began practicing yoga, understanding the healing powers this had on him. He quickly mastered the lifestyle, becoming one with it.
Param Dhyan comes from Germany. Discovering that she had a natural talent for understanding the pain and knowing the very reason of stress in human life, she soon learned that her calling in life was to help people heal their troubled and injured souls. From as young as when she was 11 years old, Param Dhyan would practice meditation and yoga. Her interests expanded into the fields of Ayurveda, sound healing, different types of holistic massage including mastering the reiki energy – after going through a particularly traumatic time in her life. This was when she realised that she wanted to help people heal. After almost 18 years of practice and learning, Param Dhyan is now an accomplished licensed naturopath and reiki master as well as a Kundalini yoga therapist. Paramjot and Param Dhyan met in Germany, and Touch of Soul came into being.
They began conducting special classes , training and teaching the guests and staff about kundalini yoga, to help them get through their everyday lives, or clean the ‘garbage’ (as Paramjot puts it) out of their lives.
Why kundalini yoga? I ask. “Kundalini yoga is for people who have to cope with the daily challenges and stresses of holding jobs, raising families, and managing businesses. And that is why we want to help these people. To help them let go of the stress and lead happier lives. We want to teach them to love their selves, love each other in order to be happy. Because ultimately, love is what really heals a soul.”
“That is what we try to teach them. We try to help them get rid of their old problems; give them something positive to take back home when they leave. We don’t leave them after one session. We make sure to keep in touch with them. All our patients and clients keep us updated on their lives. We conduct skype classes online as well,” Param Dhyan says.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”16px”][vc_single_image image=”10352″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_empty_space height=”16px”][vc_column_text]“Today, we are conducting a special yoga class on the beach,” Paramjot says. “Yesterday, we organised an aqua-yoga class in the pool. It warmed my heart to see children as young as 5 years old, join in and do yoga with us. It shows us that if you start young, if you can make them aware of how these practices help, they will soon gain interest in it and want to learn more. “
And when I question about time management, explaining that most working people don’t really have time to practice any form of exercise, Paramjot wisely replies, “We all have 24 hours in a day.” He smiles, “We all get an equal 24 hours in one day. It is up to each individual to decide on how they want to manage these 24 hours.”
The two healers also practice mantras. Singing, and chanting, they are currently working on a mantra CD to be released next year. “Because everybody connects to music,” Param Dhyan says, “And it is a bliss to just sit together and sing for an hour or two. It really helps people relax and let go of the tension in their bodies and minds. ”
“An hour or two hours of sitting down, breathing in the positivity and singing together will work wonders for the soul.” Paramjot says, “When we sing, we are activating the 84 meridian points in the upper palate of our mouths. These points are connected to the brain, the pituitary gland.” Paramjot explains. “It is much like strumming the strings on a guitar. Our brain opens up slowly with these strumming’s (the mantra singing) allowing us to breathe out the negativity. We then start relaxing.”
Param Dhyan adds, “Often we see some of our students with tears in their eyes, because they are so touched by this practice. And when they come to us and tell us how we’ve helped them throughout our sessions together, when we see the positive outcome, that’s when we know that we did right by them.”
Dressed in white from head to toe with matching turbans, him with his long beard, and she with her graceful, almost floating presence, Touch of Soul gives an incredible aura of peace and calm. When they speak, the words slip out of their mouths, in perfect harmony with each other.
Going back to how they began practicing at a larger scale, Paramjot explains, “I was running my own wellness centre in Thailand, and teaching yoga at some resorts as well. I was also working in a drug rehabilitation centre. But in both cases, what I started noticing was that a lot of people who came on holiday, or to the rehab, came bearing a lot of childhood trauma – they carried a lot of stress in them.” He goes on, “You know, like karma from their previous lives, and such. And people unconsciously develop some sort of negative behavior, unhealthy patterns or even illness through these problems.” He took a deep breath and went on, “That is how I became so interested in working with these people. I wanted to help them live a happier life,” he smiles and looks at his partner, “and that is why we create the new concept of holistic health care called Touch of soul.”
Param Dhyan agrees. “It is a blessing for us, to be able to do this beautiful work together and we would love to expand this holistic wellness concept in Maldives.”
But how she started out is a different story. “I was born with high sensitivity,” she explains. “I connect with people and their souls. I try to bring them in contact with their selves, and with love. Like I said before,” she went on, “all what the soul needs is love. “
Throughout our conversation, the duo firmly stresses on one thing – that yoga is not just for the physical body. It is not just an exercise. “It is a lifestyle therapy – a chance to realign your life again, to get in touch with your soul. Yoga is a way of life. And when you start practicing this, even little practice of 11 mins a day can give a magical effect into your life.”
For more information about them, please have a look at www.touchofsoul.eu[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”16px”][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row]