Purchasing Power: Abdul Baaree Abdul Hakeem, Procurement Officer, Hulhule Island Hotel (HIH)
In this interview with Hotelier Maldives, Abdul Baaree Abdul Hakeem, the Purchasing Officer at Hulhule Island Hotel (HIH) speaks about his take on an ideal supplier and his most successful deals.
How long have you been in purchasing?
I started my career as an Office Assistant in the Finance Department in Hulhule Island Hotel, then slowly built up my career from there onwards. On the way, I have worked in various positions; such as Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Cashier, Income Auditor, Storekeeper and moved to a dedicated position in Procurement from 2016.
What do you look for in a product?
In this current competitive market, my first, and most priority is to ensure that the product meets the company’s expectations in quality, sustainability and best price. As I am looking into all the procurement for the Maldives Inflight Catering (MIC), it is extremely important that we meet all our partner airlines’ requirements.

What area of the hotel are you most proud of?
I think in a hotel all areas work together as a team; so I am proud of all out departments and all the team members.
Tell us about one of your most successful deals.
One of my most recent milestones is working with Group General Manager in meeting the procurement requirements for our upcoming resort, Madifushi Private Island located in Meemu atoll. I am very satisfied with how we successfully handled this project.
What does a supplier have to do to impress you?
Quality is very important for us; as 99.99% of products are imported goods from overseas, the goods provided by the vendors / suppliers must meet our requirements and deliver the goods on time or before the due date. Additionally, the products should be available without shortage, maintain consistency in supply and in case of shortage or delays, alternative options should be made available.