BEYYAA – Seeking Big Brother

THE NAME ‘BEYYAA’ is derived from the traditional Dhivehi meaning of “bro”. The Beyyaa is a unique character, a travelling, environmentally-conscious Maldivian, but best of all he is a storyteller. He tells the stories he seeks during his many travels and the tales he hears are whispered amongst the coconut palms. The world is facing […]

Scubaspa’s New Private Charter Rates

Many visitors to Maldives are spoilt for choice. Although all visitors have access to great beaches, lagoons and seas, ways you can choose to experience the Maldives can vary widely based on whether you are staying on a resort, a yacht or a small hotel on an inhabited island. Yachts – liveaboards or safari boats […]

Island Apothecary introduces wellness wipes

Moisturizing wipes and wet towels have been commonly used among the general public as well as in luxury hotels. Island apothecary, in collaboration with Functional Botanicals, have further innovated this concept to introduce a “dry wipe” that serves the same and more purposes than wipes that are commonly available in the market. They are more […]

Photo by Shazmyn Ali on Unsplash


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Editor’s note: In a two part series, Maldives’ aficionado Bruce Lynn gives insights into how you can have a great time in the Maldives but on a tight budget.  The paradise of the Maldives is on almost everyone’s fantasy bucket list, but too many are scared away by wallet-busting prices.  Yes, super-deluxe 5-plus star properties […]

Sun Bum Sunscreen: Bottling Summer

Whether you’re cooling off from the beach or packing for a long summer vacation, Sun Bum products cater to every sun lover’s needs. Launched in 2010, Sun Bum caters to the environmentally conscious individual who cares about their impact on the world. With offices in Coco Beach, Florida and Encinitas, California, the company ensures all […]

Acquiring a Maldives Resort: 7 Factors

As we look forward to unlocking our borders, reopening the country for tourists and salvaging the economy from the crisis inflicted on it by Covid-19, conversations from strategic and financial buyers are making subtle hints at the prospects of economic opportunity borne out of the pandemic. In addition to the prospects over likely debt financing […]


Natural skin care; from the ocean to the skinOnly at Pullman Maldives Maamutaa Pullman Maldives Maamutaa Resort partners with transformational French brand PHYTOMER to introduce Pullman Spa by PHYTOMER, an innovative brand with the Ocean at its core and intertwined in everything they do – leading the way in revolutionary skincare. PHYTOMER scientists are the […]

Reopening the Maldives, what it means for hoteliers

The Maldives Ministry of Tourism recently announced that the country will begin in July a phased reopening of the country’s borders to international visitors. For hoteliers, that means the race to regain market share shrunken by COVID-19 is about to begin.  In the pre-pandemic world, Maldives was one of the top global markets for generation […]

Reinvent Introduces Victory Electrostatic Sprayers in Maldives

Reinvent Maldives, is a sister company of Luxrica Pte Ltd, Singapore, established in 2019. The company has found itself at the forefront of disinfection services in the wake of COVID-19. The biggest demand at the moment for Reinvent in supplying their services is in the corporate and hotel sector as they are eager to get […]

NSURE: Changing The Maldives’ Hospitality Industry With Online Education Courses

As the world adjusts to a new normal during the coronavirus pandemic, many companies have realized that they must innovate in order to stay relevant. One business that’s taking this dynamic attitude to heart is NSURE, the first food safety company in the Maldives to provide online education courses in food safety during lockdown. Instead […]

Top 6 key tools to step up your social media today

When it comes to content marketing, any social media manager would say that the biggest challenge is primarily one: content creation. How to create content that resonates with their audience, engages them and entices them to participate in a meaningful digital conversation over the posts?  In the last few years, the role of a ‘content […]

Three Issues Maldives owners raise with prospective operators

When an HMA deal is negotiated, one would very early on see the divergence in goals desired by the owner and the operator. Challenge is in bringing the parties with varying agendas to the table, engage in a mutually beneficial dialogue, and leave with a feeling of win-win for both parties, and celebrating that outcome […]
